Friday, December 7, 2012

Tell me how you feel.

The premise is rather simple. I want to talk about games in such a way that highlights the emotional, visceral impact they make. Not so much the mechanics, not so much what works and doesn't work in how we roll, but the lasting impression we take away from the table that makes us decide "Yes, more please" or "No, never again".

I am attempting to create audio mixtape reviews, collecting snippets of responses from you all, the general, game playing public, and then intersplicing them with music, comments from the game creators, and an over riding narration from one source. Sometimes, that source will be me. Hopefully, sometimes, it will be someone else.

Want to be a part of it?

I'm not asking for an essay. In fact, a sentence or two would be just fine. And! I've tried to make it even easier to make this happening by setting up a special google voice mail account that people can call and leave me messages stating, in fact, how exactly they feel!

Simply call 657-FEEL-007 and leave me a message with a few words or phrases on how playing a certain game makes you feel... or feel free to leave a short story on a memory from your own life game play might have provoked. State the name of the game first. You don't need to leave your name, but I would appreciate an email sent my way ( with your name and any project you'd like mention, if you'd like to be credited on the review.

The final destination for these audio reviews will be on this new, lovely site:

Questions? Send em my way or leave them in the comments.


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